To provide open transparent approaches to projects with a circular economy attitude and a carbon sink agenda
In business we are guided by our Targets and Objectives in our Quality and Environmental management systems; 100day Plan and aligned with our focus on People, Planet & Place and SMART indicators which are centred around the UN17SDGs.
Important issues
Our communities have many challenges and we have prioritised areas where we collectively as a company can assist positively and contribute to a new circular economy business model.
- Commits to invest 10% of profit into the local community and NHS trainee bursaries.
- Socially focussed useful recycling/upcycling solutions/knowledge transfer to support behaviour change.
- 100% commitment to creating valuable and sustainable employment, wellness and community value.
- Design and deliver tenure-neutral housing throughout communities.
- Harnesses renewable energy technologies and use them in a 21stCentury way to create best-practice developments on site.
- Will eradicate fuel poverty by deploying innovative uses of renewables.
- Design closed loop water systems to support biodiversity and carbon sink agenda.
- Influence and positively impact timber market to: support circular methodology; source alternative circular products; establish low carbon delivery solutions.
- Develop SMART objectives into all our operating manuals and accreditations.
- Ensure a minimum of 50% of our supply chain reside within the ‘community’ of our developments and support via community wealth building increasing targets.
- Repurposes and rejuvenates redundant land and buildings through economic regeneration into sustainable, community-value, ethical developments.
- Design and deliver tenure-neutral housing throughout communities.
Irene Bisset
June 2021